Michael Harper conducting SING FOR WATER at Thames Festival

For Water

Dreamed up by Helen and co-founded with Thames Festival, events have taken place in multiple locations with different leaders nationally and internationally. So far it has raised well over £1.3 million for WaterAid projects in Africa and Asia over 20 years. This year we are supporting Rwanda.

English Touring Opera's HOUSE ON THE MOON at the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre co-composed by Helen Chadwick, directed by Tim Yealland


Composition for English Touring Opera projects including large scale community operas: A House On The Moon at the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre and One Breath in Sheffield and Doncaster, as well as the curtain raiser Towards An Unknown Port at the Royal Opera House and on tour.

Cast of THE BLAZING HEART at Union Chapel London

The Blazing Heart

My first choral work was based on a Gorky tale, with different choirs and soloists in Norwich, London and Aberystwyth. The experience of touring Wales with members of Meredith Monk's ensemble gave me the courage to start creating the nearest thing I've written to an oratorio.